We traveled around in our state Saxonia ,like we would do in a foreign country.
It´s amazing what you can find right in front of your door, if you just open your eyes and look
a little bit closer. So travel where you live and find the awesome places your country has to offer.
This is the beautiful Saxonia in Germany captured in pictures by Erik Gross and in the film by Sebastian Linda.
The best thing about this project, was that an concept idea became reality. Our trip was really awesome and we learnt a lot while travelling in front of our own door.
For this project with mainly filmed with the DJI Ronin and the 5D Mark III in Raw. Other shots were done with the GH4.
Sebastian Linda configuring for an awesome journey.
This is the Saxon Switzerland “Basteibrücke”. Here alone, just 20km infront of Sebastian´s front door you can travel for weeks.
This is what we filmed with. A DJI Ronin and a Canon 5D MIII
Chris pushing over the bridge during sunrise.
Wiebke and Sophia enjoying the sun in the Saxon Switzerland.
Sometimes it got a little dangerous filming from the best possible angle
Chris enjoying the incredible view
We also went to a park with full-size dinosaurs
Canoeing through the channels of Leipzig
We saw sweet Nutrias
Sophia during a little canoeing break
Anke showed us her high-bar skills
Sophia also cuts a fine figure on a skateboard
Chris skating in front of the famous “Völkerschlachtdenkmal” in Leipzig
Watching the sunset from the monument was beautiful
Filming on the stonewalls high above the ground was quite frightening
Freerunners Leo and Jo were also with us…
…and showed us their exceptional skills
Using the skateboard as a dolly
We were stoked when we found out, that the “Rakotzbrigde” is actually in Saxonia
Flying with a hot air balloon was an awesome finish for our project
We also got a certificate for our first balloon ride
Posted By
Erik Gross
Culture, Language: English, Making Of, New Project, World